Vinqui (VQ) makes jewelry and other personal products to celebrate the sacrifices we make to achieve our goals. VQ rewards us back for all the desserts we skipped, the parties we missed, and the full night’s sleep we rarely get. VQ makes jewelry for us, for our teammates, our spouse, our mentors and our family. It’s about letting others know that without we there is no me. It’s about them never giving up on us, whatever the odds.
Theta represents the “a-ha’ moment where disjointed thoughts, memories, and emotions suddenly gets connectedand makes sense. Theta learning brings together the latest science behind common observations giving it a unique perspective that lets the student have the “a-ha moment”
Theta represents the “a-ha’ moment where disjointed thoughts, memories, and emotions suddenly gets connectedand makes sense. Theta learning brings together the latest science behind common observations giving it a unique perspective that lets the student have the “a-ha moment”