The Inland Revenue Department’s (IRD) practice in administering tax exemption for charities is evolving. It is important for existing and prospective charities to understand the requirements to qualify for and maintain their tax exempt status. However, many tax-exempt charities are not aware that, for example, the exemption does not mean that all their income are automatically exempt from tax, and does not mean all obligations under the Inland Revenue Ordinance are waived. As a result, many charities may overlook certain reporting or withholding obligations. Meanwhile, the IRD is stepping up its efforts in reviewing charities’ tax exempt status. Different types of charities and different types of issues are coming under the spotlight in turn. Charities that no longer meet the public benefit requirement may lose their tax-exempt status.
Against the above background, tax-exempt charities should stay alert to the IRD’s latest practices.
In this seminar, the speakers will cover:
- IRD’s latest focus of challenges on charities ·
- Charities’ common tax pitfalls ·
- Practical solutions for common charity-related tax issues·
- Other new developments·
- Sharing of real cases
Programme Code:20240820
Date:20 August 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Mr Philip Hung, Director, Tax Controversy Services, PwC Hong Kong
Mr Felix Tsang, Associate Director, Tax Controversy Services, PwC Hong Kong
Ms Chloris Lo, Senior Consultant, Tax Controversy Services, PwC Hong Kong
Venue: ET 2101-2, 21/F, Edinburgh Tower The Landmark 15 Queen’s Road Central, Central Hong Kong
CPD Hours: 1.5
Seat: 75
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