1. The 49th AGM
The Institute is going to hold the 49th AGM on Friday, 3rd of September 2021 at 5:30 p.m. at The Chinese Club (華商會所), 14th Floor, 21-22 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong.
Notice of the 49th AGM (including the proxy form):
Members are strongly advised to register for attending the AGM so as to facilitate the Institute’s arrangement. For online registration, please visit https://forms.gle/fEKC6cREACjChaNL7.
In line with the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Chapter 599G of the Laws of Hong Kong), the Institute will implement a set of prevention and control measures at the AGM to protect all participants from the risk of infection of COVID-19. For more details, please refer to the meeting notice.
To facilitate those members who are unable to attend the meeting personally, the Institute will broadcast the AGM via Zoom (details to be provided). Please note that members who are watching the live streaming will NOT be counted as quorum, and will NOT vote.
2. Election of Eight Members to the Council 2021 (“the Election”)
By the end of the nomination withdrawal period, twelve nominees remain as candidates of the Election. An election will be conducted by postal ballot. Details of the postal ballot will be sent individually to electors on 13 August 2021, and ballots must be returned to the “The Scrutineers, c/o the Secretariat”, by 5:30 p.m., Friday, 27 August 2021. The election result will be announced at the 49th AGM.
The twelve candidates standing for the Election are:
- Mr CHOI Tze Kit, Sammy
- Mr HO Chi Wai, Savio
- Ms HUNG Lo Shan, Lusan
- Ms KO Po Yiu, Yvonne
- Mr LEE Ka Lok, Victor
- Ms LIU Zhaohua, Carol
- Mr MA Ying Mao, Andrew
- Dr MAK Po Lung, Kelvin
- Mr NG Sai Keung, Timothy
- Dr PUN Ki Wai, David
- Ms SHEK Wing Man, Winnie
- Mr WONG Kon Tao, Desmond
For members who are outside Hong Kong and wish to cast their vote, please contact the Secretariat for special voting arrangement (by telephone at +852 2810 0438 or email to tihkadm@tihk.org.hk).
3. Dinner Gathering after the 49th AGM
The Institute will also hold a small-scale dinner gathering after the 49th AGM at the same venue which will be in full compliance with the social distancing measures imposed by the Government.
Seats are limited and if you wish to join, please enrol here by 20 August 2021 (Friday).
The Institute reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the dinner gathering due to unforeseeable circumstances.
Should you have any enquiry regarding the above, please contact TIHK Secretariat at +852 2810 0438 or email to tihkadm@tihk.org.hk.