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20221006 Global CTA Webinar – Global Mobility in 2022 & Beyond

Programme Code:
06 十月 2022 (Thursday)
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Ms Sarah Connellan, Partner and COO of EY Ireland

Mr Gavin Duffy, Global Mobility Partner, Vialto Partners, South Africa

Ms Joanne Haslehurst, Partner, Deloitte Global Employer Services, UK

Mr Desmond Wong, Council Member, TIHK

Live webinar
Proficiency Level:
Intermediate Level
CPD Hours:
Event Categories:
Application Form:
20221006 flyer


Free of charge (for TIHK members & students only)

For registration, please visit https://share.hsforms.com/19eqCt9P3QWmA820X1clh5g2u653 

  • What is technology doing for global mobility?
  • Is it helping with issues such as misaligned tax years, or is it posing problems for authorities and employers alike in day tracking and compliance generally, especially where national systems are paper based?
  • What are the key trends in international expatriate taxation?
  • Will ‘working from home abroad’, first seen in the pandemic, catch on – and what challenges does it pose for employers and policy makers?
  • What do corporates need to do to protect their own direct tax position? How can they mitigate ‘permanent establishment’ risks?

To answer these and other questions, our five institutes have gathered the following team of experts for our next Global CTA Webinar chaired by Sarah Connellan, Partner and COO of EY Ireland:

– Gavin Duffy, Global Mobility Partner, Vialto Partners, South Africa

– Joanne Haslehurst, Partner, Deloitte Global Employer Services, UK

– Desmond Wong, International Tax Partner, PwC, Hong Kong


This live webinar takes place on Thursday 6 October at the following times:

08.30-10.00 (Dublin/London time)

09.30-11.00 (South Africa)

15.30-17.00 (Hong Kong)

17.30-19.00 (Sydney time, Australia)


If you wish to submit a question to the panel in advance of webinar you can include this on your registration form (link below) or email cpd@taxinstitute.ie.



Speaker Profile

Sarah Connellan is Chief Operating Officer for EY Ireland and Partner in the People Advisory Services group in Dublin. As the Chief Operating Officer for EY, Sarah sits on the Irish Leadership Team and has day-to-day responsibility for running and managing a business of more than 15,000 people. In addition to her role as COO, Sarah advises leading Irish and multinational companies on tax and HR matters relevant to their employees and directors. Seasoned in helping clients with their tax-efficient delivery of remuneration, social security, workforce downsizing and reward strategy, she also advises organisations on tax, financial, regulatory and strategic challenges associated with the mobility of people across the globe. Sarah has spent her entire career in professional services, focusing on helping clients thrive through investing in people. Sarah holds a Bachelor of Science in Management from Trinity College. She is also a Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) with the Irish Tax Institute.

Gavin Duffy is a Tax Partner and national leader of the South African practice of Vialto Partners, based in Johannesburg. Gavin has over 25 years of professional experience in expatriate taxation with PwC and, since May 2022, Vialto Partners. Prior to working in South Africa, Gavin worked for 7 years with PwC in Ireland. In addition to degree and post-graduate business qualifications, Gavin is an overseas Associate of the Irish Tax Institute (CTA) and is a “Master Tax Practitioner” (MTP) with the South African Institute of Taxation (SAIT). Gavin is the lead client relationship partner for many of Vialto Partner’s largest African expatriate tax engagements.

Desmond joined PwC in 2007 and is a Partner of PwC Hong Kong’s corporate tax practice. He is a core tax member in the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) sector. He also advised a number of large multinational clients in consumer market and industrial product sectors.

In 2012, Desmond was sent to PwC US on a three-year secondment programme, during which he worked in the Los Angeles and Atlanta offices respectively. He was involved in US tax accounting work as well as international tax projects.