Postponement of TIHK’s Extraordinary General Meeting (6 August) & 48th Annual General Meeting (28 August)

In view of the current surge of COVID-19 cases and the health and safety of members and staff, the Institute has decided to postpone the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) and the 48th Annual General Meeting (48th AGM) scheduled to be held on 6 August and 28 August 2020 respectively.  The Institute will reschedule both the EGM and the 48th AGM when the epidemic situation is easing.   On a related note, as of the nomination deadline (i.e. 27 July) for the Election of Eight Members to the Council, the Institute has not received any new nominations apart from the retired eight Council Members standing for re-election.  Since the candidates running for election are not more in number than the vacancies, no polling will be needed.  The eight persons so running for election shall, as from the 48th AGM, be deemed to be duly elected members of the Council.   The Secretariat staff members will continue to work from home until further notice.  Should you...
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TIHK Secretariat office closed for cleaning from 27 July 2020

A TIHK Secretariat staff member has tested positive for Covid-19 on 26 July 2020.  The infected employee last worked at Sheung Wan Secretariat office on 20 July 2020. The Secretariat office will close for deep cleaning from 27 July 2020 (Monday) until further notice.  In the meantime, all staff members will be undergoing a test and working from home. We apologise for any inconvenience caused....
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香港稅務學會(下稱「學會」)會長崔慶昭先生、副會長吳錦華先生及黃信安先生、理事黃智威先生近日獲特聘為中國國際稅收研究會學術研究委員會委員。 學會副會長許仲瑛先生、理事蔡權安先生及上屆會長陳頌偉先生獲委任中國注冊稅務師協會榮譽理事。 學會顧問及前會長龔永德先生獲國家稅務總局選任為第二屆港區稅務專家,特聘為中國稅務學會稅收學術研究委員會委員。學會顧問及前會長楊嘉燕女士亦獲特聘為中國稅務學會學術委員會委員。 學會在此祝賀崔會長、各副會長、理事及前會長,並相信是次委任定必能增加香港與內地稅務業界交流,增進兩地稅務專業發展。 ...
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CIOT & TIHK Virtual Chartered Tax Adviser Launching Ceremony on 16 July 2020

The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (TIHK) has organised the “CIOT and TIHK Virtual Chartered Tax Adviser Launching Ceremony” on 16 July 2020 to celebrate the TIHK’s achievement of being awarded the licensing right to grant the "Chartered Tax Adviser" designation from Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT). Although due to the recent COVID-19 situation, the Ceremony could not be held physically, TIHK still leveraged on the technology within a short period of time to arrange the event online. We were pleased to have the CIOT President, Mr Glyn Fullelove, and other CIOT colleagues joining the Ceremony.  We were also honored to have, Mr Paul Chan Mo Po, GBM, GBS, MH, JP, Financial Secretary of the government of HKSAR, to be the Guest of Honor of the Ceremony and deliver a keynote speech. We thank all members and friends for joining us in this virtual ceremony to share our joy and pride, and we hope to meet you face-to-face very soon! To view the Celebration...
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Chartered Institute of Taxation licenses The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong to award Chartered Tax Adviser status

The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (TIHK) has announced that it has successfully obtained the licence from the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) to grant the designation ‘Chartered Tax Adviser’ to its members. The licence is granted to TIHK as CIOT’s next step in developing the Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) brand as a leading international standard in tax. This follows the granting of the same right to the Irish Tax Institute (ITI) and The Tax Institute (TTI) in Australia in 2012. Under the agreement, nearly 1,900 members of TIHK will be able to convert their existing Certified Tax Adviser qualification to Chartered Tax Adviser, joining the existing 19,000 CIOT members, more than 5,000 ITI members and more than 7,000 members of TTI who can already call themselves Chartered Tax Advisers. The Chartered Tax Adviser designation is recognised and respected internationally as a mark of technical excellence and professional integrity. Jeremy Choi, President of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong, said: CIOT President Glyn Fullelove commented: “I...
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