
沉痛悼念前財政部部長金人慶先生 我們懷著沉痛的心情,悼念於2021年8月28日與世長辭的前中國財政部部長、國家稅務總局局長金人慶先生。 金部長對國家建樹良多,在財政稅務上的貢獻更是不遺餘力。本學會謹在此向這位德高望重、無私貢獻的前輩表示感激和致敬。 淨土安息 典範長存...
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香港稅務學會鼓勵新冠疫苗接種優惠 TIHK Vaccination Incentive Scheme

由即日起至2021年10月31日,學會會員若完成接種兩劑2019冠狀病毒病疫苗,即可向學會登記領取總值 $100 e-coupon (e-coupon價值港幣20元,優惠期內可使用5次,總值港幣100元),用作報讀學會舉辦的Webinar/ Seminar/ E-seminar/ Workshop/ CTA Conference. From now until 31 October 2021, a TIHK member who has received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccines is entitled to receive a total sum of $100 e-coupon (e-coupon value is HK$20 each, it can be used 5 times), which can be used for enrolling in Webinar/ Seminar/ E-seminar/ Workshop/ CTA Conference organised by the Institute. 活動推廣期: 即日起至2021年10月31日止 登記方法: 請到 http://tiny.cc/tihkmembers 填妥所需資料, 包括 1. 中英文全名 2. 會員號碼 3. 聯絡電話 4. 領取e-coupon的電郵 5. 上載2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種紙本紀錄正本及/或政府「醫健通 eHealth」手機程式或「智方便」應用程式內的紀錄 *惟會員必須登入個人google account以完成登記手續,若沒有google account人士,可向學會索取表格以辦理登記手續 Promotion period: from now until 31 October 2021 Each eligible member must register and provide the following information via http://tiny.cc/tihkmembers (the “Link”) in order to claim the e-coupon: 1. Name in Chinese and English; 2. Membership number; 3. Contact Number; 4. Email for receiving e-coupon; and 5. Upload the original COVID-19 Vaccination Record (either the paper certificate or the electronic record of the Government’s “eHealth app” or “iAM Smart app”) to demonstrate that they have been double-vaccinated against COVID-19. *Members are required to log in to their personal Google account to...
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