[最新] 香港稅務師在中國(廣東)自由貿易試驗區深圳前海蛇口片區執業登記推薦函的申請指引

國家稅務總局深圳市稅務局於2021年1月發佈了《港澳涉稅專業人士在中國(廣東)自由貿易試驗區深圳前海蛇口片區執業管理暫行辦法》(簡稱《辦法》)。《辦法》主要是為了促進深圳與香港特別行政區及澳門特別行政區建立更緊密涉稅專業服務貿易,助力粵港澳大灣區建設,營造市場化、法治化、國際化的營商環境。 有關在中國(廣東)自由貿易試驗區深圳前海蛇口片區執業登記推薦函的申請指引及申請表︰ 港澳涉稅專業服務人士執業登記表︰ 另外相關的文件,請瀏覽︰ 《港澳涉稅專業人士在中國(廣東)自由貿易試驗區深圳前海蛇口片區執業管理暫行辦法》︰請按此 《港澳涉稅專業人士在中國(廣東)自由貿易試驗區深圳前海蛇口片區執業操作指引》(含《港澳涉稅專業服務人士執業登記表》)︰ 關於《港澳涉稅專業人士在中國(廣東)自由貿易試驗區深圳前海蛇口片區執業管理暫行辦法》的政策解讀︰請按此 學會早前分別於2021年2月9日及25日 舉行了兩場 "香港稅務師在中國(廣東)自由貿易試驗區深圳前海蛇口片區登記執業簡介會", 闡述有關《辦法》的出台背景、主要內容和進行登記執業的注意事項。會員及涉稅專業人士可下載有關講材: 如有任何查詢,可與學會秘書處聯絡。 電話:2810 0438    電郵:tihkadm@tihk.org.hk...
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Important: Renewal of 2021 Membership & CTA Certificate (if applicable)

Members and Students should complete the 2021 Membership Renewal on or before 28 February 2021. Failure to renew your membership on time will result in cessation of your TIHK membership and removal of your name from the CTA Register (if applicable). Important notes for 2021 Membership Renewal: 1. Online Renewal of Membership and CTA Certificate To encourage members to renew their membership and CTA certificate (if applicable) online, the Institute will offer two HK$50 CPD coupons (a total value of HK$100) to those members who complete the 2021 renewal via TIHK website by 31 January 2021. Please log-in your TIHK account, and visit "My Profile" -> "Advancement & Renewal". Steps for Renewing Online: 2. Declaration for Renewal of 2021 Membership All members (Fellow, Associate and Affiliate) are required to complete the declaration for renewal of 2021 membership. 3. Conversion to Chartered Tax Adviser Designation Certified Tax Advisers of the Institute are given an option to convert to Chartered Tax Adviser in 2021.  They will be required to declare...
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