Starting from the 2023 CTA Examination, the Institute offers a new option for the candidates to apply for a subject certificate in Paper 2 “Hong Kong Tax”, Paper 3 “International Tax” and Paper 4 “PRC Tax” aside from its traditional route. The micro-credentials are the benchmark of progress and recognition of a candidate’s knowledge and skills earned along the pathway to CTA. Candidates can use these as stand-alone micro-credentials if they decide to exit the CTA pathway.
Candidates who have passed the examination in Paper 2 “Hong Kong Tax”, Paper 3 “International Tax”, and Paper 4 “PRC Tax”, are eligible to apply for the subject certificate in the individual paper(s). The application fee is HK$500 per paper. The application window starts on 1 January and ends on 31 January of the following year of each examination.
Eligibility: A Pass in Paper 2 “Hong Kong” / Paper 3 “International Tax” / Paper 4 “PRC Tax”
Application Fee: HK$500 per paper (local delivery fee included)
Application Window: 1 January to 31 January (of the following year)
Application Procedure:
*To candidates who passed the previous examination but would like to apply for the certificate retrospectively, please contact TIHK Secretariat by email to for assistance.