Effective from 2018, designated nonfinancial businesses and professions (DNFBP) in Hong Kong are required to comply with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (Cap.615) (“AMLO”).
Accordingly, the Company Registries, the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Law Society have issued guidelines to assist CPAs, TCSPs and law firms meet their obligations under AMLO.
While the guidelines are useful, it is important for professional firms to set up the operational processes to deal with the AML/CTF risks, and keep up to date on the latest trends and developments in AML/CTF.
This seminar will provide practical information on:
(Part 1) Key Sections of AML/CTF Guidelines and Updates on TCSP Licenses Renewal (in Cantonese)
Overview of the key section of AML/CTF guidelines and updates on license renewal, to help DNFBP understand how to fulfil the regulatory requirement and prepare for regulators’ random inspections.
(Part 2) From the Trend of AML/CTF in Singapore to the Best Practice for AML Process in Hong Kong (in English)
This session covers the trend of AML/CTF in Singapore, one of the countries with the most matured anti-money laundering enforcement in the region, and shares the best practice for daily AML process for professional firms in Hong Kong.
(Part 3) Tools for Enhancing your AML/CTF Process (in Cantonese)
Using SentroWeb, one of the innovative AML systems in the market, as a short demo, to show you the salient features that help to streamline the AML/CTF processes and comply with the regulatory requirements, including Screening, Customer Due Diligence and Ongoing Monitoring.
*Participants can enjoy an exclusive offer on SentroWeb AML software and Certificate of Attendance will be provided.