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20221213 Case study workshop – 2022 hot topics on China and Hong Kong cross-border personal tax

Programme Code:
13 December 2022 (Tuesday)
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Ms Rita Wong, Manager, Vialto Partners

Mr Victor Yuen, Senior Manager, Vialto Partners

Mr Louis Lam, Partner, Vialto Partners

Proficiency Level:
Intermediate Level
$150 – $200
CPD Hours:
Event Categories:
Application Form:
20221213 enrollment flyer


The pandemic has changed how we work and travel. More and more frequent travellers become stationers in mainland China / Hong Kong for business needs, which necessitates proper tax planning to utilise preferential policies on remuneration package and tax rebate, and structuring of travel to ensure the degree of potential double taxation is minimized. The Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (“IRD”) has expressed its view on various areas of interest affecting cross-border taxpayers in its annual meeting with the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“HKICPA”) and various Hong Kong court cases were handed down on double tax relief, termination payment to share awards. Domestically, China State Taxation Administration (“STA”) also tightens tax administration on equity plan.

The Institute has invited Louis Lam, China South Leader at Vialto Partners, and his colleagues to use different case studies to share their insights and recommendation on how enterprises and individuals could better manage the above challenges.

Topics to be covered included:

How’s adoption of OECD guidelines on pandemic by STA and IRD and related impacts to cross-border talent deployment issues.

Planning on travel, remuneration structure and talent rebate to minimize double taxation.

Implications of Hong Kong court decisions on double tax relief, termination payment to share awards.

Expansion of China tax registration requirement on equity plan and tightening of tax registration requirement for preferential tax treatment on equity plan.

Speaker Profile

Rita is a Manager at Vialto Partners (formerly PwC Global Mobility Tax and Immigration practice). Rita is specialized in advising on international private client personal tax matters, focusing on Hong Kong and US individual tax. Rita has 10 years of experience and serves high net-worth individuals, senior executives and entrepreneurs across different industries. Rita has experience managing cross-border executives and talents’ individual tax and advising other individual income tax planning strategies. Rita is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and an Enrolled Agent.

Victor is a Senior Manager at Vialto Partners (formerly PwC Global Mobility Tax and Immigration practice). Victor is responsible for providing Hong Kong and China individual tax consulting and compliance services for international and local companies. Victor has more than 12 years of experience and he serves companies in different industries, including leading global financial institutions. Victor is involved in various individual tax consulting projects, including cross-border tax planning and assisting clients in drafting mobility policy and tax equalization policy to support mobility employees. Victor is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Louis is the China South Leader at Vialto Partners (formerly PwC Global Mobility Tax and Immigration practice) with over 25 years of experience specialising in Hong Kong / China cross border individual tax consulting and compliance. He advises clients in drafting company policy and employment terms covering housing benefits, remuneration package structuring, tax equalisation, termination package and talent mobility policy; negotiate and manage tax audit and penalty; cross border social security planning, etc. He has extensive experience advising overseas, China and Hong Kong clients in private equity and asset management industries, and leading global financial institutions, to design and enhance pre-/post-IPO employee share based compensation schemes, carried interest plans and co-investment plans, with a holistic approach to cover talent mobility and retention, market trend, tax, foreign exchange, finance, legal, etc. perspectives; and to assist in performing applicable tax and foreign exchange registration and compliance reporting. He also advises multinational companies on deployment structures and models for talent mobility in China, Hong Kong and overseas for inbound and outbound travellers and assignees, taking into account the local tax incentives, tax and social security treaties protection, mitigation of permanent establishment exposures for employers, and non-tax commercial consideration. He is a Chartered Tax Adviser, and members of Taxation Institute of Hong Kong, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.