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Ms Irene Hui, Partner, US Tax Consulting Services, PwC Hong Kong

Irene is a US Tax Partner of PwC Hong Kong. Prior to joining PwC Hong Kong, Irene spent a number of years in the Silicon Valley serving high-tech and biotech companies as well as at the National Tax Office in Washington DC serving multinational companies in the distribution/logistics, financial services, and consumer goods industries. Irene has over 10 years of US and international tax experience in compliance and advisory services. She has been involved in cross-border restructuring, tax-efficient business modelling, debt financing, tax due diligence, and repatriation techniques. Her industry expertise includes financial services, asset management, distribution/logistics, media and telecommunications, real estate, high-tech, and healthcare.

Irene has been a speaker on international taxation at conferences sponsored by the American Chamber of Commerce, HKICPA, the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong, SelectUSA, and tax bureaus in the PRC. She has authored articles on The Tax Adviser published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as well as on aplus published by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

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