Project Management Institute Hong Kong Chapter, is proud to bring you PMI HK Asia Pacific Project Management Congress 2023 at Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks on Saturday 25th November 2023. This year’s Congress format is Physical Conference, which is a good opportunity for delegates to meet honourable speakers, business leaders, guests, industry partners as well as other delegates who attend the Congress. The Congress theme this year is “Powering Tomorrow Success”!

The Congress program will feature inspiring keynote addresses and insights from both local and international Distinguished guest speakers, from a diverse range of industries such as Financial Services, Information Technology, Construction & Engineering, Education, non-for Profit and more…

Joining this journey of discovery, professional development and memorable Congress experience, you can have the opportunity to hear, learn and share with Business Leaders as well as extend your networking with the Project Management Professionals from different industries!  Besides, Certified Project Managers will earn seven (7) Professional Development Units (PDUs) towards maintaining their PMI certification if joined the Congress.


Date: 25 November 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 9:00am – 5:30pm (7 PDU)
Registration Fee: TIHK Memeber: HK$500
(Please choose “Special Guest” filling out the “TIHK” and submit)
Online Registration: Please click here for registration
Venue: 2/F, Building 17W, 17 Science Park West Avenue, Shatin, NT
Format: In Person

For further assistance, please contact PMI HK congress admin at (+852) 2784 1880, Whatsapp:(+852) 9500 8456 or email to